Why attend?
If you work in VAT, you probably can’t escape property and construction – it can affect any of your clients, it’s complicated, and it throws up new challenges all the time. You need to know what’s going on. And, sometimes, it’s reassuring to find that no-one else knows, either.
And if you work in property, or property tax, you’ll know that you can’t make assumptions about VAT. Even if the deal or project you’re working on looks the same as the last one, trivial differences, or a new interpretation from HMRC, can suddenly add 20% to the costs. Again, you need to know.
Join us as we welcome a host of leading experts in the field of VAT & Property in our first live event hosted by Scammell & Nyland.
Tracey Wright Osborne Clarke
Tracey is a partner at Osborne Clarke LLP where she leads the Real Estate Tax team.
She provides transactional and tax structuring support to a wide range of investors, funds, developers, landowners and occupiers. She has particular expertise in transactions with residential aspects, including build to rent and student accommodation.
David Walters Deloitte
David is an Associate Director in Deloitte’s Tax Policy Group, where he assists Deloitte’s Indirect Tax practice in analysing tax technical developments, responding to consultations, presenting training sessions and webcasts, and contributing to Deloitte’s VAT newsletters. He represents Deloitte on the VAT committees of the CIOT and ICAEW.
Chris Nyland Scammell & Nyland
The co-author of VAT on Construction, Land and Property, published by Scammell & Nyland, Chris has specialised in the taxation of real estate and the built environment for almost two decades. He was a partner at Gowling WLG, and provides consultancy services to some of the largest property operators in the UK. He is an active member of the BPF’s VAT Committee, and a regular contributor to Tax Journal.
Audrey Fearing RSM
Audrey is a partner at RSM TAX UK. With over 30 years of professional experience, she focusses on advising NHS, local authority and social housing clients on all aspects of VAT. She was a founder member of the VAT Expert Group that was established by the European Commission to provide support in shaping future EU VAT legislation.
Jeremy Woolf Pump Court Tax Chambers
Jeremy is a barrister specialising in tax law at Pump Court Tax Chambers. He is chair of the Chartered Institute of Taxation's European and Human Rights working group. He is also chair of the indirect tax committee of CFE Tax Advisors Europe and was one of its representatives on the European Commission VAT Expert Group. He has been awarded a certificate of merit by the CIOT.
Martin Scammell Scammell & Nyland
Martin Scammell is the co-author of the leading reference work VAT on Construction, Land and Property, published by Scammell & Nyland, and an occasional consultant in these areas. Martin started out in VAT Policy in Customs & Excise, was a Partner at Ernst & Young, and then head of indirect tax at Eversheds. He is technical secretary to the BPF’s VAT Committee, and a member of the JVCC, of HMRC’s Land and Property Liaison Group, and of the CIOT’s indirect taxes and property taxes committees.
Andrew Tucker HMRC
Andrew Tucker is Head of VAT Infrastructure Policy Design at HMRC. He has had a variety of roles at HMRC, including heading up the VAT Reliefs, Deductions and Financial Service teams. He is a certified leadership coach, a sought after speaker on a variety of topics, and lectures at St Mary’s University on Leadership in the 21st century.
8.45 Registration
9.30 Welcome and introduction to the day
Colin Smith
9.45 Taking back control – interpretation post-Brexit
Jeremy Woolf
The current position. How far can we still rely on the Directive, general principles of
EU law and CJEU judgments? -
How do these changes apply to older disputes?
A new landscape from 1 January: the implications of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023
What do we (and HMRC) need to rethink?
10.30 Break
10.50 Issues for social housing
Audrey Fearing
Transacting with housing associations
What makes them different? The regulatory and financial framework
Zero-rating denied – ESM, cladding remediation
Service charges and managing agents – all resolved?
11.35 HMRC policy update
Andrew Tucker, Andrew Higgins
Scoping the property exemption – what we’re trying to do
Updating guidance – a work in progress
VAT registration – changes in the pipeline
Questions from the floor
12.20 Morning Q&A
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Dealings in development land
Tracey Wright
What people do, and why
Promotion agreements – can they be VAT- (and tax-) efficient?
VAT uncertainties – call options, overage
Joint ventures and collaboration
14.15 Commercial property – what’s new in 2023
Martin Scammell
No more acknowledgements – proving you’ve opted
The anti-avoidance rules – what to consider, and what difference does Moulsdale make?
The exceptions to exemption, and where they matter
New challenges with TOGCs – are HMRC changing the rules?
15.00 Break
15.20 What we’ve learnt from case law
David Walters
The latest on single and multiple supply
Characterising the single supply – a threat to VAT reliefs?
Are fund-raising cases really different? Hotel la Tour etc
Business/non-business – have HMRC got it right?
16.05 DRC, CIS – staying afloat in the alphabet soup
Chris Nyland
Do HMRC understand it themselves?
Resolving the CIS uncertainties
No more light touch – compliance challenges with the DRC
How to stay out of trouble
16.50 Q&A
17.10 Complimentary drinks and refreshments
This year's event will be held in the heart of London at etc.venues County Hall.
etc. venues County Hall
Belvedere Rd